The PSAT Aftermath: From Missteps to Mastery

PSAT成绩即将揭晓,对许多家长和学生来说,这可能是一阵情绪波动. 但不要担心,因为每一个明显的错误都是伪装的黄金机会. Think of the PSAT as a dress rehearsal for the main event. It’s where we catch the bloopers, fix them, 确保主要事件(SAT)顺利进行. 让我们把这些PSAT的修正转变成今年春天SAT的一个强有力的策略.


A first look at the digital testing era

您刚刚见证了标准化测试的重大转变. 你的学生最近的PSAT考试不仅仅是一次常规的测试——它是对未来测试的一瞥. Standardized tests are moving towards a digital format, with the SAT making its digital debut this coming March. 对许多人来说,适应这种新形式将是一个学习曲线. 以下是你的学生可能会注意到的一些关键细节:


The digital interface: It’s a game-changer. No more flipping through pages. With a single click, questions come and go. But with this convenience comes a learning curve. It’s all about mastering the interface. Recognize where the buttons are, how to flag a question for review, and most importantly, 如何保持正轨而不迷失在数字迷宫中. Your student’s best bet is practice using the interface with a free digital practice exam.


Adaptive scoring: Depending on a student’s performance in the initial sections, 接下来的英语和数学部分的难度可能会有所不同. However, 需要注意的是,试图在测试中评估性能可能会产生误导和适得其反的效果. 重点应该是尽自己最大的能力解决每一个问题, without trying to second-guess the system.  


Digital requirements and support: 虽然新的SAT是数字化的,但它不会远程进行. 考生将在指定的学校或考点参加考试. Preparation is paramount; students should bring a fully-charged device. Also, it’s prudent to bring along a charger for backup. In the event of any technical hiccups, 不用担心:每个考试中心都会有专门的技术人员在考试期间现场提供即时帮助和故障排除.


Embracing the change: Like all changes, this will take getting used to. 但请记住,本质是一样的:展示知识. The medium might have changed, but the mission hasn’t. As we prepare your student for upcoming exams, our strategy will evolve, but our goal remains unwavering: excellence.



最近的PSAT考试不仅是对新的数字格式的一个先睹为快, 同时也是一种了解学生知识优势和不足的工具. As we transition towards the Digital SAT this March, 分析PSAT分数并相应地调整我们的策略是至关重要的. 下面是一些bat365如何使用PSAT考试的修正来帮助你在即将到来的数字SAT考试中取得好成绩的建议.


Gaps in knowledge: 让我们面对现实吧,有些概念你的学生要么忘记了,要么根本没有学过. Whenever my students and I run into these, I get excited. Why? Because we know exactly what we need to focus on. “我不知道该做什么”是我在辅导课上最喜欢说的话之一. 当然,如果你不知道你在处理什么样的问题,你就有麻烦了. 这就是学习如何识别问题类型如此重要的原因.


Identifying question types: 认识到你面前的问题类型是最基本的. 在数学中,它是一个线性方程,二次方程,还是一个方程组? 在英语中,是询问主旨、语气或文本证据的问题? 以下是一些在SAT考试中需要注意的常见问题类型:


  • Linear equations: Look out for y = mx + b. 如果它是一个文字问题,确定一个起点(b)和一个恒定的变化率(m).
  • Quadratics: These often take the shape of ax^2 + bx + c = 0. 对于文字问题,像“最大高度”或“向上抛出”这样的提示可能是指示性的.
  • Systems of equations: Usually, you’ll be given more than one equation, and you’ll be asked to solve for multiple variables. 像“两件商品价格不同”或“合计总额”这样的短语就可以表明这类问题.


  • Grammar and punctuation注意在问题中寻找词组conventions of Standard English. 这表明你应该关注句子结构、动词时态和标点符号.
  • Words in context这里的神奇短语是“最合乎逻辑、最精确的单词或短语”.这可能需要你根据给定的上下文选择最合适的单词,或者根据周围的文本解释单词的意思.
  • Command of evidence: These questions ask about details from the text, often using phrases like “according to the passage.“这里的关键是回去直接从通道中找到证据.

Rush to judgment: Speed is a double-edged sword. 行动迅速可能是有利的,但草率的决定可能导致错误. 比如混淆区域和周长,或者忽略了问题中的关键字“NOT”. These aren’t signs of a lack of understanding, but rather an indication of the need for increased focus. 在草稿纸上做结构化的笔记或使用数字注释工具可以作为锚点, 确保这类错误成为例外,而不是常态. 当然,注意力集中也会让你慢下来——这可能是它自己的问题.


Skip ahead, then circle back: 对许多学生来说,真正的问题往往不是课程内容,而是时间. Time management during exams can make or break a score, 你的学生能做的最好的事情之一就是记住跳过问题. 遇到一个似乎要花很长时间才能解决的数学问题? Skip! 对于英语部分,从语法和标点问题开始. 阅读类的问题比较耗时,可以稍等一下. 跳跃和绕回来的艺术确保了每一刻都被有效地利用.


The journey from PSAT to SAT is a transformative one, and while the landscape of testing evolves, the core principles of learning and growth persist. As we usher in the digital era of standardized tests, 适应能力和对新地形的透彻理解是至关重要的. 然而,在这些变化中,让我们不要忘记问题的核心: Every mistake is a lesson, every challenge an opportunity, and every test a stepping stone towards academic mastery. Onward to SAT success!


想了解你的学生的PSAT分数以及下一步该怎么做,一定要参加我们的 FREE parent webinar, “PSAT, Now What?”
Enroll here:


By Robert Brundage
Robert是Revolution Prep的导师和创意内容经理. Off-duty, he enjoys being silly with his daughter, trying out new recipes, and playing board games with his wife and friends.